8th FMC Award
for Responsible BMO
(Thematic Area: Textiles and Apparel)
Promoting Green Environment
This category recognizes initiatives undertaken by BMOs that directly or indirectly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cut energy consumption, advance energy efficiency, improve air quality and preserve, protect, or restore the nation's land, water, biological diversity, and other natural resources. Under this category, two awards will be given - one to a National/State/Regional level BMO and one to a District/Cluster/IA/SPV/IP level BMO.
Promoting Social Issues
This category recognizes initiatives undertaken by BMOs that promote well-being of workers and their family, promote human rights, support inclusive growth and equitable development and activities that directly benefit the local community and related stakeholders. Under this category, two awards will be given - one to a National/State/Regional level BMO and one to a District/Cluster/IA/SPV/IP level BMO.
Promoting Innovative Responsible Business Practices
This being a nature of activity that includes undertaking skill development, quality certification, etc,. This category has been created to emphasize the importance of this topic as per national agenda. Under this category, three awards will be given - one to a National/State/Regional level BMO and one to a District/Cluster/IA/SPV/IP level BMO.
This award recognizes outstanding contribution by a BMO in promoting responsible business. This award is given at the discretion of the Jury, only if a BMO is found suitable for it.
1. District/Cluster/Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/Industrial Park (IP)/ Industry Association (IA)
District level BMO is a representative of firms producing different types of products/ services and has members from that district They can also have other BMOs as their members.
Cluster/SPV/IP/IA level BMO has as members, firms that produce similar product/services and belong to a place, smaller than a district. At times, an SPV can also have members producing dissimilar product/services and are geographically located in a designated area in a district, e.g. general/product level industrial park. These are Industrial Park Organizations.
2. National/State/Regional level BMO has member firms producing same/different products/services and belong to a State/country as a whole. They can also have other BMOs as their members.