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Last date for receipt of application form


Preliminary short listing


Receipt of detailed case study from short-listed applicants 


Final Shortlisting of applicants


Pre-Award Presentation


Award Distribution

December 15, 2018


December 22, 2018


January 12, 2019


January 22, 2019


February 05, 2019


February 06, 2019


Assessment Process and Methodology

Stage 1: Initial Application


The filled in application form needs to reach FMC as per deadline

Stage 2: Preliminary Short Listing


The applications will be screened by an able team of assessors having vast experience in the field of BMOs and Responsibility domain. A preliminary list of top 32 shortlisted BMOs, based on criteria, as stated above, will be prepared. The selected BMOs will be informed at the contact details mentioned in application form. Top 16 BMOs will be intimated for submission of detailed case studies (format will be mailed on the email id given in the application form).The filled in application form needs to reach FMC as per deadline.

Stage 3: Final Short Listing


The team of designated assessors will evaluate the case studies submitted by shortlisted 32 BMOs. FMC may also conduct field visit, if required. 16 case studies will be shortlisted from the 32 selected through Preliminary Short Listing.

Stage 4: Pre-Award Presentation


These 16 BMOs will be intimated to make a presentation a day prior to final Award ceremony in New Delhi. In case a selected BMO is not able to present their case to Jury in New Delhi on the scheduled date, then FMC representatives so be informed stating the reason for the same. With the permission of Jury, BMO may be allowed for a skype presentation. In case the BMO is not able to present their case through skype presentation also, then they will not be considered for the Award.  Cost of presentation[1] will be covered by FMC.

Stage 5: Award Distribution Ceremony


  • Citation and trophy for 8 award winners and Special Jury Award (if any) by chief guest

  • Special recognition for the remaining finalists

  • Circulation of names and case-study booklet of all finalists  to all DICs, MSME-DIs, CSR Division of Corporate and select banks, financial and technical institutions and relevant National & International Organisations.


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